Sunday, July 25, 2004

D'Las One!

How do I feel about participating in Project Blog? Well, although I'm very tired and sleepy and it was a b*tch trying to think of what to post every half hour, I'm happy to have raised $214 for TransFair USA and hopefully raised a bit of awareness regarding fair trade as an ethical and sustainable practice. Big thanks to my co-blogger, Foodgoat, for sacrificing his much beloved weekend sleep, and especially to all our wonderful sponsors:


You guys are awesome! I'll be contacting you about making your donation directly to TransFair USA, and for the rest of you, please consider also making a donation to that worthy organization. Tell 'em Foodgoat sent you. After all, I wouldn't forego an entire 24 hours for just anyone.

All in all, I have ...

Now if you'll excuse me, I got some sleepin' to do. Don't wake me up until I'm all caught up with my sleep debt, and don't expect another post for a while. I'm blogger'd out!

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