Things got worse the next night when I decided once again to follow the money. And it led right to the Wellfleet oysters and mango lobster cakes. And the grilled swordfish. And the stuffed figs and sushi. And to the ham, turkey, pasta, grilled vegetables, smoked duck, jumbo shrimp, fresh clams, cream puffs, napoleons and éclairs. And to the gourmet wine bar and two or three other free-flowing bars. And lapping all of this up late Monday night, the California Congressional Delegation and much of the cream of Democratic “progressivism” — including Dr. Dean and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
By day, they rail against special interests. By night, they party down with them.
I’m sorry, what? I was still stuck on the idea of mango lobster cakes. Now that sounds dee-lish.
Hmmm ...I’m thinking fresh strawberries and pound cake would go well with this ...
Do special interests have a fork in the Democratic pie? Oh, probably, just as they do in the Republican pot, too. But describing the glorious meals isn’t working up my indignation meter right now. It's 4 pm and it's just making me hungry.
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