We meant to make them for the IMBB? Dumpling parade, but never quite managed to get it together. When we finally did, Foodgoat realized why he doesn't make it that often -- it's a lot of freakin' work.
But sooooo goooood though.
Start with a glazed goodie made in-house. Then add the filling of the day (chocolate mousse, strawberry, or apple pie). Choose an icing -- marshmallow, caramel, or chocolate, to name a few -- and finish it off with your favorite candy topping, like M&M's, Kit Kats, or sprinkles.It's in L.A., though, so I'll have to wait until the next time I visit my brother to go. Usually I prefer my donuts plain as Jane, cake or just glazed. But right now I could go for an apple pie filled, caramel-coated, Twix-topped donut.
I ordered a car service to pick me up to take me over to a restaurant where I was going to get some meatloaf and then go home. All of a sudden some traffic and limousine cops intervened. So all I was trying to do was protect my meatloaf.
"For lying or other offenses of the tongue, I 'spank' my kids' tongues. I put a tiny drop of hot sauce on the end of my finger and dab it onto my child's tongue. It stings for a while, but it abates."
2 chicken breasts, boneless & skinless
12 ounces smoked andouille sausage
1 medium onion, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
2 clove garlic, minced
1 small bell pepper, diced
1 (28-ounce) can diced, peeled tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon TABASCO® sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon filé gumbo powder
1 tablespoon Cajun spice blend
Back in the 20's when White Castle(WC) started, hamburger meat was considered disgusting, something that only the very poor would consume. This was because of the ease of bacterial infection and the prevalence of other animals worked into the food. Cheap food stands like WC were also suspect because of the sanitary practices of the staff. So WC had to build an image. To do so they took two words; White (implying clean and wholesome) and Castle (implying strong and safe), and the stands took off. They also took great strides to build/maintain this image, making their staff and stands appear impeccably clean and cooking the food where the customers could see.Such dissonance is not lost on the company. Sez White Castle:
Now, in 2004, WC has associated itself with a movie that includes such "unwholesome" activities as; pot smoking, sex, and sexual perversion …
We thought the values were very inclusive in terms of the actors being Korean-American and Indian-American. As for the other...things (drugs, sex, etc.) that take place, well, they're not White Castle values - but from our point of view, we saw it as authentic with the lengths our customers will go to get our burgers.Drug policy isn't much of an issue in this election, nor could I find photos of any of the candidates in a pot-induced feeding frenzy (and if I did do you think I'd show it here? Heck no, I'd be over selling my soul to the National Enquirer), but here's the most detailed comparison of where they stand that I could find.
Things got worse the next night when I decided once again to follow the money. And it led right to the Wellfleet oysters and mango lobster cakes. And the grilled swordfish. And the stuffed figs and sushi. And to the ham, turkey, pasta, grilled vegetables, smoked duck, jumbo shrimp, fresh clams, cream puffs, napoleons and éclairs. And to the gourmet wine bar and two or three other free-flowing bars. And lapping all of this up late Monday night, the California Congressional Delegation and much of the cream of Democratic “progressivism” — including Dr. Dean and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
By day, they rail against special interests. By night, they party down with them.