Monday, April 5, 2004

Things that Only Look the Same

Things that Only Look the Same

Don't confuse ....

the original Star Trek alien girl with...
Ladygoat at Halloween
Mia Farrow, from her early, Rosemary's Baby days, with ...
Seamus, Mia Farrow's son. He looks exactly like her, doesn't he?

(Credit goes to low culture)
Kai, the last of the Brunnen G, from Lexx with ...
Patrick, from Five Dollar Beer. Patrick and Genevieve were the first (and so far, only) bloggers that we have actually met in the flesh. Patrick doesn't have a beehive hairdo, like Kai. But he may be a Divine Assassin too. He hasn't blogged about yet, though, so we can't be sure.

Nokia 770 smartphone with ....

a Star Wars stormtrooper

(Engadget saw the resemblance first).
Hydrox with...
Oreos. Oreos are better. A lot better. Even though Hydrox came first. Though now that I try to find a link to it, it looks like they don't make them anymore. Or at least, Keebler bought the company and sells them as Droxies. I think. Anyone seen them recently?

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