Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Foodgoaticious: Stuffed Avocado with Blue Cheese and Bacon and Mushrooms

The other night Foodgoat was hankering for something new for dinner. Actually, what he wanted was the same delicious ingredients he has been immersing himself in lately, but put together in a whole new and different way. Hence, elements from the avocado salad and the Point Reyes blue cheese and bacon sandwiches were combined to create the New and Exciting Foodgoat creation: Stuffed Avocado with Blue Cheese and Bacon and Mushrooms.

First, there was the making of the bacon. We were forced into using store-bought bacon and were surprised to discover it paper-thin, nearly translucent ripples of sheer bacon, rather than the fat strips strips we get at the West Side Market. They cook very quickly this way.

Then came the sauteeing of tomatoes and garlic and portabella mushrooms and olive oil and bread crumbs and I don't know what else kind of goodness.

Then there was the mixing in of the Point Reyes Blue. Don't be stingy.

The mixture is gooped into the handy nature-made scoop of a center of a fresh avocado.

The final product! Served with a side of (gulp!) peas topped with feta cheese.

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