Out: Burritos
Oh, I still enjoy them once in a while, but somehow, the desire just isn't what it used to be. There's no one else, really. Well, okay, yes, I have been visiting that Indian restaurant down the street, but that has nothing to do with you, honest. It's not you, you're wonderful, it's me, I just changed.
Out: Pierogies
It was the Year of Pierogies: the Bennifer of Foodgoat. So ordinary, so pre-packaged, so bland by themselves, and yet we couldn't get enough. We ate them every week, for months. We bought them in giant bags that took us half the freezer. But did we tire of them? Well, yes, eventually. Now let us pray for the same fate for Bennifer.
We first met last year, and there was definitely a spark, but the we just weren't in the same place at the time. It was only this year that things really started happening. We'd find ourselves in the same city and we couldn't get enough of each other, though it was still a long-distance thing. But now that Foodgoat's brother has gifted us with a bubble-tea kit for Christmas, I really think we can make it work in 2004.
In the past year many a night has Foodgoat has been gone, first with his video games, then with his band practice. But you've got to understand, a girl's got needs. Something easy, something satisfying ... something hot. Like bread with cheddar cheese and a sprinkling of chives or green onions, browned under the broiler.
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