Well, Hobby Day turned out to be quite a lot of fun, and everyone seemed to enjoy my little guess-the-store-brand-of-honey-and-olive-oil tasting. I felt a little badly at first because people would say "Oh, did you make the bread?!" Umm, no. "Oh, so you made the honey!" No, I didn't. "You made the olive oil!?" Alas, no again. Sorry, my hobby is just eating things and telling people that I ate them.
Surprisingly, no clear winners though: of the West Side market honeys, some preferred the sweeter Ohio spring blossom while others preferred the deeper and more robust Ohio fall flowers honey, and a few favored the Sue Bee Special NASCAR edition honey from the grocery store (which, interestingly, everyone said tasted like what they were "used to"). I thought the telling the difference between the unfiltered extra virgin olive oil from Galucci's and the Carabelli's mild olive oil from the store would be easy for people, and it was for some but not for others.
There have been few food adventures of late, because more than once we have forgotten to eat, immersed as we are in fixing-up-the-new-house-and-trying-to-get-rid-of-old-lady-smell adventures. I now know how to paint a ceiling and that ugly lace curtains are virtual sponges of musty odor, and Foodgoat can mud walls. And you should see me in my Home Depot painter cap.
However, I did manage to steal away today to one of my favorite places in the world, Half Price Books. I managed to score from the clearance section in the back, usually a graveyard of Oprah's Book Club and B-list celebrity tell-alls, two great cookbooks, Betty Fussell's I Hear America Singing: The Cooks and Recipes of American Regional Cuisine and Bob Blumer's The Surreal Gourmet: Real Food for Pretend Chefs. $1 each! Woo hoo!
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