Thursday, September 1, 2005

Blog Relief Day

It is a little surreal, and kind of frightening, watching a part of the United States hit by death and destruction and then descend into chaos and anarchy.

In times of crisis I turn to food, and Hurricane Katrina has induced the Great Cheese and Crackers Consumption. Tall towers of crackers and smoked gouda have been swallowed up in the past week. Even at work I'm anxiously nibbling all the crappy cheese and crackers I can get from the vending machine.

I don't really know what else to do, except to make a plea for the charity of my choice at this time, America’s Second Harvest, which is the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the United States. Many other bloggers are trying to raise funds for relief efforts to aid those affected by Hurricane Katrina (also see Instapundit's roundup).

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