Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Fruit drink of the day
It looks like summer is over, so I guess that means no more melon drinks. Good thing I got one last one in.

A melon drink is basically strips of cantaloupe in sugar water, and some milk if you feel like it.

I used a nifty gadget to create the strips of melon, but as it's found only in obscure Filipino stores, one could also use a grater or lemon zester to get the same effect. I also thought I'd get all gourmet on it and use Ohio wildflower honey, but take my word for it, plain old white sugar tastes best.

I wish it had a more interesting name. One Filipino cookbook calls it "Iced Melon Drink," which is not much better. The best I could find was "Melon Sa Malamig" but since that just means "cold melon" in Tagalog, I might as well just keep calling it a melon drink.

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