Saturday, March 22, 2003

Fudge without chocolate?

Didn't think it was possible, but Nigella says otherwise. We were doubtful, but in a pinch for something sweet, I tried the fudge recipe from How to Be a Domestic Goddess: Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking. In a saucepan over medium heat, I put 1 2/3 cups of sugar (okay, I misread and put about 1 3/4 cups), 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter, and 1/3 plus 1 tablespoon of evaporated milk. Let it boil and bubble, stirring occasionally, until 225 degrees (5-10 minutes). Not having a candy thermometer, I followed Nigella's suggestion of dropping a bit of the fudge into a bowl of very cold water now and then -- when it holds its shape, it's ready. This actually worked ...I knew to turn the heat off when the drop floated to the bottom as a little ball instead of spreading around. After mixing in a teaspoon of vanilla extract, I poured it into a buttered loaf pan and let it cool.

While the making part was easy, the results were not quite what I expected. First of all, it wasn't, well, fudgy. It's been a while since I had fudge, but isn't it supposed to be soft-ish and sticky? Not brittle. And while chocolate fudge is sweet, this one was really sweet. Basically, it was like eating a buttery sugar cube. With a little vanilla in it. Which is exactly what it is.


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    hi - in South Africa we don't make fudge with chocolate, fudge is fudge and chocolate is chocolate i prefer to enjoy the two pleasures seperately anyway here is a typically South african fudge recipe:
    125g butter
    185ml milk
    1kg sugar - i use castor sugar it gives a smoother fudge.
    25ml golden syrup
    1 tin (385g) full cream sweetened condensed milk.
    5ml vanilla essence (i use the pod seeds)
    1. mix butter milk sugar and syrup in a large pot and boil for 3min.
    2. add condensed milk while stirring - keep stirring for 15min or until mixture turns light brown and becomes thickish
    3. remove from stove
    4. add vanilla and beat well for 5min
    5. pour into greased baking pans and leave to cool.
    6. cut into squares before completely set.
    7. enjoy indulgently.

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    ps - the water ball method is a great way to check if fudge is ready.

  3. Thanks for the recipe! It's been a while since I made this ... now I feel like making it again!
