Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Yes, I know that the comments have not worked for many a moon. I have tried to fix it but the spammers may have finally dealt a death blow while the help forums for Enetation have now gone AWOL. The old comments are still there, they just refuse to show up properly like they are supposed to. Until something bright and ingenius occurs to me and lets me recover our precious previous comments, comments are now being provided by Blogger. Carry on!


  1. Oh nooies! All my comments gone...

  2. For several years Ladygoat and I have been spoiled when it comes to lunch meals. When we lived close to work we would head home to make a hot lunch. Ah those were the good ol'days.

    Now that we live in the father away, we are stuck with that same problem "what to make for lunch". I know I could come up with a billion wonderful little meals for lunch, but here is the problem. I HATE THE MORNINGS!!!!! The only thing my pea size brain is thinking before work is- take shower : GET COFFEE!

    Ladygoat on the other hand can function much better than I can in the early hours. She is good at turning leftovers into nice little lunches (pasta salads, bean salads, etc.).

    I actually like sandwiches for lunch - and there is no limit to the ways you can make a tasty sandwich. Heck, our next post will be about my very own sandwich "the BA BLUE".

    If your tired of the bread thing: I recommend making little salad dishes- and not the leaf types. Here is a simple one:
    Black beans...
    Red onion...
    Olive oil...
    and whatever you like (or have at the moment)
