Tuesday, January 20, 2015

An Unexpected Pierogi

We've been burning through the big bag of fresh tortillas from Costco making quesadillas, lots and lots of quesadillas,- in the past month, because kids will always eat them, they are easy to make, they are delicious, and did I mention that kids will always eat them? 

What makes them particularly delicious are the excellent uncooked flour tortillas made, I think, by TortillaLand, and found in the refrigerated section of Costco.  They are light years better than any other tortillas I've found at the grocery store.  They are thicker, chewier, fresher, and not only do they have flavor, they have excellent flavor. 

But then Foodgoat came up with an even better use of the tortillas, which also happens to be the best use ever of leftover mashed potatoes. 


He put some warmed up leftover mashed potatoes inside a tortilla, pinched it shut, sauteed it in olive oil, and topped it with sour cream, shredded cheese, and green onions.  And there you have it - a great big pierogi, better than anything Mrs. T makes, in just a few minutes. 

I love that it makes use of leftovers.  I love that it's quick.  I love that it's so simple even I might try it by myself.  But mostly I love anything that's fried, and potato-y, and cheesy, and sour cream-y. 

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